Long a craft brew favorite in the PNW, Deschutes Brewery was launching a new pilsner that was meant for an audience that didn’t usually go for craft beers. This new pilsner, Da Shootz!, needed to stand out in an unforgiving category in which taste isn’t a differentiator and the beer + activity = fun is a well-worn trope. They took the leap with us into unknown territory and introduced their brand to millions of new-to-craft beer drinkers.
We created a campaign with a simple, clear message that’s delivered with an off-kilter hook that subverted the category norms. Our Pair It with Fun campaign created instant relevance for Da Shootz! with custom creative executions for all kinds of activities that authentically reflected our audience's lifestyle. The anchor of the campaign, the Pairit Parrot, was a brick-to-forehead delivery vehicle that stood out visually and brought a silly and irreverent voice to the campaign to prove that fun is in the product’s DNA.